jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010



This word represents: Strengths: To capitalize
Weakness: To shore up.
Opportunities: To invest.
Threats: To identify.
The SWOT is very useful for companies to create objectives, vision and clear mission with all what you have.


Priorities, planks and platforms; all are objectives. And every objective has to have its own vision statement. There are some areas that are mostly important in the objectives area: Those are the people: Develop our workforce. Internal: Enhance operational. Processes: Efficiency. Customers: Grow our market share. Financial: Improve our profitability.



A value defines what you believe in.  To write a value statement it is needed 5-7 values and each one must be more than 1 word.
It is necessary to be shared ideas and it might be in the mission statement.

So, a value is the assumption of which can be the basis for actions.  A principle value is a foundation upon which other values and measures of integrity are based.



This is a short sentence that defines the purpose of an organization or a person if it is required.
It needs to be short because a long sentence is not inspiring.  Memorable and inspiring are needed in a mission because that’s why it is a mission.   

Also it has to be always market focused to have the best incomes and always remembering, what you want to be remembered for.
The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a sense of direction and guide.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

VISION (Worksheet 6)


The real definition of vision is where.  Is to define where you want to be.
It is principally composed by looking forward, to see yourself or your company in the future always being positive.  We have to have always in view the goal; we have to have a clear way.  Another important thing to have is audacious, we have to have always in view the goal; we have to have a clear way.  Another important thing is to be audacious because to skip all obstacles it is absolutely needed.  We also need to be descriptive with the vision, and it should be 5 or more years in the future.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


Situation 1: The persons involved are the passengers and the managers.  This is a problem caused by bad communication.  They didn’t have a leader.
The solution of the problem is only let them go without have to pay the 25% extra.


Situation 2: Persons involved are the government of Nigeria, the Greeks and the employees.
The problem also was caused by bad communication, actually because of no communication.
This is not fair, what the leader of Nigeria is doing.  So, the solution of this problem is not present charges against the Greeks.


Situation 3: Persons involved Russia, Americans and Soviets.  Problem caused by lack of honor.
The problem resides in the leaders of both countries.  They didn’t have good communication.
The solution at this problem is to have another meeting to agree.
Situation 4: Persons involved the civilians and the government of Israel, specifically the ministry of tourism.   This kind of leadership is not a very good one, because they didn’t care some areas, in this case very important areas, and they dedicate to take care of others.
The solution is to  listen the requests of people, and repair the airport, because it is one of the principal sources of income for the country.

Situation 4: Persons involved the civilians and the government of Israel, specifically the ministry of tourism.   This kind of leadership is not a very good one, because they didn’t care some areas, in this case very important areas, and they dedicate to take care of others.
The solution is to  listen the requests of people, and repair the airport, because it is one of the principal sources of income for the country.



The six sigma methodology is well rooted in statistics and statistical mathematics.
Six sigma means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection.  The objective of six sigma suality is to reduce process output variation so that on a long term basis.

Six sigma has evolved over time. The concepts behind six sigma can be traced through the centuries as the method took shape into what it is today.
As the process sigma value increases from zero to six, the variation of the process around the mean value decreases.



A strategic alliance is a formal relationship between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need while remaining independent organizations.

A strategic alliance is essentially a partnership in which you combine efforts in projects ranging from getting a better price for supplies by buying in bulk together to building a product together with each of you providing part of its production. The goal of alliances is to minimize risk while maximizing your leverage and profit.

An alliance is simply a business-to-business collaboration. Another term that is frequently used in conjunction with alliances is establishing a business network.



It is hiring the services of another company, for the execution of some processes that are performed within the organization and purchase goods and services from external providers instead of using internal resources.

This is done when a company can not do something specific, then hires another that can do the job. This is done to relieve unnecessary work.

An example is the computer services; these can be rented, along with its maintenance, repair and upgrade thus avoiding unnecessary costs of personnel and equipment renovation for example. If we hire an outside company to perform a particular task, that is outsourcing.



The topic of benchmarking is about comparisons; to compare your own organization with others and taking good things as own.

It is also a way to get knowledge, advance with other technologies that may be your organization doesn't know.

The principal reason for benchmarking is to learn and to increase the competitiveness.

Also it is a measurement process to generate comparative performance measures.

Through benchmarking can be determinate who is the very best, who sets the standard, and what that standard is.

So in conclusion all this serves to make comparisons between companies, and learn from others, like the other of ours.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010



This is a science or also an art that involves attention to the needs of audience, planning and execution. 
First we have to define to who I will be speaking.  And what will be my topic, and make the speech.
There are some techniques to calm down the nerves:

Chat to people in the audience before start.
Repeat two or three times the opening sentence to be distract from nervousness.
Smile. Smiling shows warmth for the audience and is rarely misinterpreted.

Make eye contact with the audience, momentarily from one to another as a way of showing interest in them.
Successful public speakers project energy and conviction. They have to if they are to hold their audience from start to finish.

So, remember succeed depends only of our dedication; we control what will happen.



This second test has noticed me that I have a strong motivation to lead, but there are some facts that I have to improve.  Some facts, as the dynamic communication with subordinates to increase the enthusiastic.                                   
That condition will be able be for me in a near future with practice and constant education.

All of those characteristics are important in set; the true leader needs all to be a good leader.  For require to others the best, I have to do my best.

It could be a trouble; I like to be on all, but it’s not possible to do all by myself.  I have to learn to listen to opinions.
Two are better than one.



During the test, I realized that the principal trouble to be a leader is the communication with the employees.  To know how you can obtain the best version of a person, you have to know this person to unlock all the abilities needed for successful.

According to the test I’m able to be a leader, because I can transmit others the vision and goals of my mind.  I have the level needed of charisma, to transmit and convince people, to make them with my own ideals.

But it is just a part of a true leader; I have to improve in dynamic and how to make people will be excited about their own tasks.

I’m shy the most of time but I have the enough to talk, to do oral presentations.  That’s the other trouble, It’s difficult to me for be in front of a lot of people talking about my ideas for 2 hours.

In fact, I think it’s not necessary to talk during 2 o 3 hours to convince people about our ideals and goals, if a person have the talent, it can be done in a half hour.



It is just the development of specialized software in a planned and organized process; following strict steps to obtain the requested computational system.

The principal context of application of software development is the companies’ area, but there are other fields of software development: to meet specific needs of a specific client, to meet a perceived need of some set of potential users, or for personal use.

Nowadays the population targeted of software is huge, every house has a computer and every computer has software.  So, the population targeted is all people, except the poor people.  The only requirement is to have a computer.

Like programmer and software developer, the sources of development are only the computer and the ability to create software with new ideas and requirements needed to companies’ grow up, and let them evolve for future.